I wanted to start this thread for everyone who is even mildly interested in the goings on around us in the Universe. I wanted to post this in the Astronomy section, but since it was under Project Discussion, I decided to go ahead and put it here.

First of all, if you are going to be outside tonight doing anything, the Southern Delta Aquarid meteor shower reaches its peak. Although it's a pretty weak shower with around 10-20 meteors an hour, viewing should be good with a moonless night. Look to the Southeast after dark, but the best viewing will be when the radiant, Aquarius rises higher towards the early hours of Saturday morning. Also, the best shower of the year has begun. Rates right now are very weak with only a couple an hour. These should seem to come from the Northeast. Remember, you don't have to be looking in the exact direction to see meteors. I will post updates to the Persied Shower as the peak gets closer on the 12th and 13th of August. They can be in any part of the sky, but their track will lead back to the radiant. Clear Skies and good luck.

If you have any news, please post it to this thread so we can all enjoy it!