...and with that, I get her the rest of the time with her while you guys can quibble over the Counselor when she's not with me!

This reminds me of an instance when I fell in love with a person online once. WAY back in the day, there was a service called, "Sierra Online".
It was a spin off company from the "Sierra" company that wrote memorable games such as "Space Quest and Kings Quest" and many others.
This was during the era when bulletin boards were still somewhat prevalent and the internet as we know it now was just beginning to emerge.

Sierra Online offered common games like poker, hearts, rummy, gin, chess, checkers, etc. online for a monthly fee. This included lounges and private chat rooms that people could join in on. At the time it was all very exciting and the service was well constructed into a community where there were always a constant population of people no matter what time of day or night.

I met a very nice lady there that went by, can you guess? "Counselor Troi". We also had the ability to personalize our own avatar in a cartoonish sort of fashion, but were, for the most part, actually somewhat realistic. With the name and the avatar, I was immediately drawn to her. We became quite good friends over the next few months and even exchanged phone numbers and had several very lengthy conversations over the phone. To put it in a nutshell, we "clicked" very well together and there was no limits to what we conversed over.

When her HUSBAND became suspicious of her activities online, I addressed him directly through email and thoroughly explained to him that I was in fact in love with his wife, but that I had no desire to disrupt their relationship in any way or manner whatsoever. Surprisingly, he replied that he understood and stated that as long as there was never to be a meeting between she and I, that for us to continue the relationship we had developed was an acceptable arrangement. I think I was somewhat stunned by his response, but hell, that sounded good to me.

With that however, I felt it best to "tone down" the relationship some and explained to her that it was never my desire to cause anyone any interference in their lives. From that point, we still remained friends for several months afterwards but eventually we slowly began to part ways.
During that period however, I had a good friend and I will never forget just how special that lady was to me.

Ah, just another story in the life of Yo-