Well I knew it would happen, I just didn't figure so fast. I knew I should have stayed away from you guys... I've got the damn crunching bug again. While moving I got rid of 7 of my rigs which leaves me with 3; The Annihilatrix and 2 Dell Optiplex GX-280s. So I fire up my main rig to crunch again, mind you, I told myself I would not do this again. Only because of RL issues that now I have to pay for my own power and I probably won't have a job somewhere between Monday and next July.

So my main rig is running and I start reading all of your posts and I can feel it... you know that feeling where you think you can squeeze out just a little more credit?

Plus the fact that I have 4 GPUs sitting on the counter taunting me. So I figure okay, I'll fire up one of my GX-280s so I can run one of my GTX-460s... it couldn't cost that much extra to run right??? I figure, I'll just eat every other day... I'll be fine.

Still there is the other GTX-460 sitting there beckoning to be used. And the 2 HD5830's what am I suppose to do with those? I just can't let them sit there, it wouldn't be right. Now I think I have to get the GX-280 running; it's only $15 a month to run. That's only 3 Starbuck coffees, which I can't afford to drink anyways so what the hell. I'll do it this weekend.

Now I want to build a complete new system... I must be out of my mind. I was thinking of making a twin for The Annihilatrix; I can get another MSI 890FXA-GD70 and AMD Phenom II X6 1100T for only $324.98 (after rebate). And I can save money by not buying another $200 case... I'll just set it on the glass coffee table I have; glass is an insulator, it will get plenty of cooling, and I don't drink coffee anymore.

Yeah, that's it... I'll do that.