Thinking about putting a page up for this..


Teams with the most 1st places to 100K

mysql> select team,count(*) from boinc_project_timeline where tline = 't100000' group by team order by count(*) desc limit 0,10;
| team                   | count(*) |
| SETI.USA               |       34 |
| SETI.Germany           |        9 |
| BOINC Synergy          |        7 |
| Czech National Team    |        5 |
| Sicituradastra.        |        5 |
| BOINC@Poland           |        5 |
| L'Alliance Francophone |        4 |
| AMD Users              |        4 |
| BOINCstats             |        4 |
| PBToyz                 |        4 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Teams with the most 1st places to 500K
mysql> select team,count(*) from boinc_project_timeline where tline = 't500000' group by team order by count(*) desc limit 0,10;
| team                   | count(*) |
| SETI.USA               |       23 |
| SETI.Germany           |       11 |
| BOINC Synergy          |        5 |
| Free-DC                |        5 |
| Team Norway            |        3 |
| L'Alliance Francophone |        3 |
| Czech National Team    |        3 |
| Planet 3DNow!          |        3 |
| CANAL@Boinc            |        2 |
| Picard                 |        2 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Teams with the most 1st places to 1M
mysql> select team,count(*) from boinc_project_timeline where tline = 't1000000' group by team order by count(*) desc limit 0,10;
| team                      | count(*) |
| SETI.USA                  |       15 |
| SETI.Germany              |       12 |
| L'Alliance Francophone    |        8 |
| BOINC@Poland              |        5 |
| CANAL@Boinc               |        4 |
| BOINC Synergy             |        4 |
| USA                       |        4 |
| Free-DC                   |        4 |
| Ukraine                   |        2 |
| Team Starfire World BOINC |        2 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Teams with the most 1st places to 10M
mysql> select team,count(*) from boinc_project_timeline where tline = 't10000000' group by team order by count(*) desc limit 0,10;
| team                           | count(*) |
| SETI.USA                       |        8 |
| L'Alliance Francophone         |        5 |
| Ars Technica                   |        4 |
| SETI.Germany                   |        3 |
| BOINC@AUSTRALIA                |        2 |
| Electronic Sports League (ESL) |        2 |
| UH IT HPC                      |        2 |
| Sicituradastra.                |        2 |
| Canada                         |        2 |
| BOINC@Poland                   |        2 |
10 rows in set (0.01 sec)