As requested by another member, I am starting a dedicated discussion of team objectives here. To pick up where we left off, a quote from Dr. Dan:

As some of you have stated you want to crunch what you like and when you like. That's cool and as it should be, but one thing is really apparent to me right now is that you are lacking the aggressive side of this team. The folks like Kevin and myself who just love to be very aggressive in our directions.

As I see it from an outsiders view point, is you need to internally divide the team up into 6 parts in your thinking.

1. An area on the team for the aggressive.

2. An area for those who love to follow some ones lead.

3. An area for those who are not so aggressive who just want to be a part of this team and just crunch their own projects.

4. Folks who will go to other teams and talk to them and see who they are and strike up a relationship of gabbing.

5. Some folks who will go out and pick fights with other teams to get the juices going.

6. Folks who will keep posting the team info in the project team recruit areas.

This all may seem crazy but it worked before why not now?

The only thing that I see going on from my view point is item number 3. Its a good item but the rest is also important.
Much to stimulate all of our frontal lobes there.
My answer to some of this, is precisely why we started the "Bash Brothers" group. Honestly, we can call it something different if the objectives for the group change, but I think the Bash Bro's group answers items: 1, 2, and 5. (If you don't believe #5, check out QMC and how we stocked the fire over at P3DN!)

The general team just showing up answers item 3.

That leaves us to decide if we want to address items 4 and 6 somehow - which would probably fall under "recruiting" efforts (which we all know and understand has been lacking for at least a year) No surprises here, I'm thinking.

Looking forward to the discussion and everyone's input. Don't hold back - everyone's opinion is valid.