Welcome to the team. We hope to see you and all your friends crunching with us and chatting on the boards! Glad to have each and everyone of you join our team.

Consider attaching to pirates@home which is a non-cpu intensive project. It will not slow down your other projects at all, so consider it free credits! Please attach using the following: http://pirates.spy-hill.net/. Pirates releases new work intermittently and crunches for only seconds, so just set it and forget it. Also take a look at WUProp@home. Again, not CPU intensive and free credits. http://wuprop.boinc-af.org/

For those Teamates attaching to new projects, way to go!

Friday, 21 October 2011


Mickey Taylor joins with 120 credits
Jose [Team Musketeers] joins from Team Musketeers with 25,185 credits

Seti@Home Beta
LyleHM joins with 555 credits

donovanw joins with 194 credits
Lisa Akers joins with 5,518 credits
Tony joins from UNITED FEDERATION STARFLEET with 39,591 credits
Ed Childers joins with 30 credits
Scheletron joins with 5 credits

Tony joins with 152 credits

Quake Catcher Network
Richard Walton joins with 102 credits

Malaria Control Project
John joins with 21 credits

LHC - Test4Theory@Home
BuffaloJern joins with 523 credits

LHC@Home 1.0
Mizake joins with 53 credits

Collatz Conjecture
boegster joins with 44,480 credits

World Community Grid
xpowell joins with 2,440 credits