From PaPa Smurf at the Project Forum ...

As many of you have noticed, we are trying to find a way to finance FreeRainbowTables. Unfortunately, PayPal has terminated our relationship. We have also talked with another company regarding the possibility and they have also denied us.

Most of the problem appears to be a bit of a misunderstanding about what we are actually doing. We are not trying to just run around and randomly crack every password in the world!!! We are trying to make it clear that some password methodologies should be retired, replaced immediately and never used again.

Unfortunately, our public password cracking database appears to indicate to people that we are just cracking every password in the world. As a result, it has been removed. When it will return? We don't know. Will it ever return? We will try. Frankly, it depends largely on the perception of the bank or company that ends up assisting us with receiving funds. If they see it as a tool to clearly prove to developers the world over that unsalted, tiny passwords, ran through an algorithm one time are a very very bad idea, then yes, it'll probably return. If they think we are just randomly hacking the entire universe and somehow making checking accounts the world over less secure, then it'll probably not return.