Hi,my nick is Terminator.I am a member from Team SETI.Germany.I will post a new Information from seti.netherlands SETI.Gauntlet 2012

I hope,SETI.USA and friends will joined the Gauntlet.

I write here new Information from User XP_Freak from Team SETI.Netherlands :

Oké, all looks fine and all problems have been solved.
So we can set the dates for the Gauntlet.

The Gauntet will be running from April 16 until April 30.

The first credit data will be collected with the first stats-export from Berkeley after april 16 10:00 GMT
The last credit data will be collected with the first stats-export from Berkeley after april 30 10:00 GMT

New teams and members can be added until april 15 18:00 GMT.

I hope Team SETI.USA and Friends joined to the SETI.Gauntlet 2012 from Team SETI.netherlands.


Many Greatings: Terminator