I am putting together another cruncher with a SB-E CPU. I will post a link to the wish list once it shows up in the public list (lag). I am pretty much copying everything from my last build back in November. But I would like some feedback on the mobo and memory. I tend to OC as much as I can without messing with the voltage. But I would like the option of pushing it harder if I ever get the itch. This is what I bought last time. Should I get something different this time?

Mobo: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16813130624

Memory (32gb total): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16820231498

For the GPU, I think I will wait to see what nVidia says about "BigKepler" in mid-May. If it is a more powerful (or less handicapped) GeForce, then I'll get that if the ship date is not too far out. If it ends up being a stupidly over priced Quadro or Tesla, then pass. I'll go with a 680 or 7970. Any idea on when dual versions of those will be out?