I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.

Excerpt from the book "How NOT to make friends and influence others"

Hopefully that will be my last attempt at humor here. My purpose here is to help kick start you, give you a shove in the right direction and to help you over hurdles. Now that the team's daily output has dropped to 5th in the world I believe there is a role for me here. Think of me as a consultant, a catalyst, an enabler, a motivator, etc. But also a concerned comrade.

Don't try too hard to guess who or whom I am. First I'll respond like the Navy and confirm nothing and second it could ruin my role here. Be satisfied for now to know I've been cruising around the boards for a few years and have an interest in seeing SUSA do well.

You are a great bunch of crunchers and members for SUSA, your hearts and motivation are in the right place but I get the feeling you are too nice sometimes so the team looks like it functions rudderless and without defined purpose. You are in need of type A person(s). I hope to be a type A- person for you. I don't plan on conversing. I will just make declarative suggestions. Your job will be to take action because I won't. I'm the consultant if you remember. I'm also fairly thick skinned so go ahead and criticize me if you see fit.

So now let's roll.