Just had the first crunching casualty of the year today.
Went to turn on Cheetah's monitor this morning when I got to the office, and had a fleeting glimpse of "shut down due to CPU1 overheat error" on my screen. Nice.

After a little sleuthing I found the culprit. The upper exhaust fan in the back of the case had died and was not spinning. With 6 cores 100% on PG LLR, it was generating so much heat that it was hitting 81C on one of the cores in CoreTemp without that fan working! Holy smokes...

So I backed off the O/C immediately, and crunching is paused on Cheetah until I can break away from the office and get a replacement at Fry's. This was a ThermalTake 140mm fan that came pre-installed in the case, so I suppose I should be happy it lasted this long, on 24/7.