We've had a great week for the Herschel's 275th Birthday challenge, thank you to all of our processors and the teams who participated. We made a new record - reaching over 50 TFLOPS in theSkyNet POGS last night. Thank you everyone! Now, for some results: The winning team of the challenge is SETI.USA, and the runners up were L'Alliance Francophone. With a total 88,301,765 credits delivered to theSkyNet: POGS users during the challenge, we can't believe how much crunching you guys have managed for us. We have gold and silver Herschel trophies for all SETI.USA and L'Alliance Francophone participants respectively, and a bronze for everyone else who helped out. These will be available in your trophy cabinet on theSkyNet.org soon. As for our side challenge that we set yesterday - that was won by the amazing tanos, who had the highest RAC increase in the last 24 hours of the challenge. We'll be in touch for your address soon tanos so we can send you your prize. An extra special thanks also needs to go out to Mumps [MM] who had the highest total credit contribution to the challenge, we'll also send you out a pack Mumps, so watch out for our message. Thanks again everyone, you've helped us out immensely. We can't wait to go through the galaxy data that's come in this week and see what's been found. Until next time, TheSkyNet Team
