I just created this group, and it is open for anyone to join who shares the same philosophy on crunching.
The idea was inspired by S.G., as I watched them add wave after wave of crunchers to the last PG challenge, and they narrowly defeated us. They won because of the last wave of big rigs they could call on to crunch one round, and then return to their pet projects.

Everyone crunches and donates their resouces with different goals in mind. That's something unique about our team. I realized after building the Beerinator, that my goal with crunching is not a personal one, it's a team goal. I'm not really into all this for some personal reason, I'm in it for this team. I want to see our team grow and succeed, holding onto positions we've fought so hard to attain and take new ones over time.

I have made this group for anyone willing to be called in on short notice to defend a position, or make a concentrated push to obtain a higher team rank in any project.
I am OK with being the only member; it won't hurt my feelings if no one else ever joins. However, I would certainly love to see some others join this group and put "team" first. Just so the goal is clear, the object is not to pull the Bash Bro. off his or her pet project(s) for lengthy periods of time; it is for when the team needs some quick, raw power at it's disposal.
I hope to create a catchy logo for signatures of all Bash Brothers as well.
Anyone on this team has my permission to contact me from here on out and ask me to crunch any project where the team rank may be in jeopardy, and I will seriously consider any legitamate request.