Aqua flows over 1 BILLION!! We are in sole procession of #1 on this Team MM plateau. SG and 2ch are tied for 2nd with LAF wallowing in 4th place.

Three Team MM's in three days. I'll see if I can make it 4 in 4 days with CAS@Home.

Remember two things at least. These Team MM's are only marginally important compared to or relative to being #1 in total credits and RAC. The other thing is the goal of this project was to improve the Team MM positions a bit for appearance and any bragging rights (and to be a thorn in other team's sides) but more importantly not let a MM be needlessly missed for lack of a little attention to a stalled or neglected project (No more GeneticLife's).

Once all goals in this post are met the next installment of this team MM project will have to involve longer term efforts from other team members to improve our Team MM positions.