I've been trying to make a decision on a new gpu and I was litterly a mouse click away from buying a 970. But for some reason I held back and did a bit more research and then some more and I found theres quite a bit of uncertanty in the near future of desktop gpus. I read we might be stuck on 28nm for a while or there might be 16nm stuff out in q1 next year. I read a rumor of a die shrink on gm204 to 16nm, which would make a v2 (b stepping?) WAY better, right?

.... So i bought a 750ti in the mean time and then it can be relegated to crunch/htpc duty when i make a real purchase. Anyone have some insight or opinions on the near future of gpus and when is a good time to buy in the upper middle gpu class (x70-x80 nvidia, r270x-r290 amd).