In or in the German newspaper “Süddeutsche Zeitung”

An unprecedented information leak raised the curtain on illegal trade and movement of capital strategies using companies based in tax havens - the called offshores. Vladimir Putin, the king of Saudi Arabia, the Icelandic Prime Minister, the Ukrainian president, the president of Argentina several world former political leaders. Pause for breath. Lionel Messi, the actor Jackie Chan, the Russian musician Sergei Roldugin, many other politicians (there are 128 world leaders, in all), businessmen, drug traffickers and law firms, the sons of prime ministers, powerful childhood friends heads of state, nephews other presidents. The list is extensive and involved in what will be one of the largest cases of global corruption contained in the many millions of pages of data to the German newspaper "Süddeutsche Zeitung" had access and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (Ciji) released.

In the eye of the storm comes a particular law firm - the Mossack Fonseca, a discreet but powerful company based precisely in Panama and the powerful resorted to save their money. It is the fourth largest company in relation to the creation of shell companies, and its services have been requested by more than 300,000 companies worldwide.

A year of research work. And a giant information leak that brought the public the laundering schemes and concealment of political heritage, world public figures companies and law firms. Concerning payments of about two billion dollars.