Quote Originally Posted by cineon_lut View Post
I will vote a nay. I've never been a fan of entering a challenge where we don't intend to fight. Also, It sends the wrong message to challenge issuers who are ignorant of other boinc events such as the pentathlon. They should know what's going on in the world before scheduling a boinc-wide event.

Challenges also show a good level of detail on resource allocation during said events. We may not want our stats tracked so closely during certain times.

It's not a showstopper. Don't hold this change back because of one nay vote. In the end it doesn't really hurt anything--it's all about what message we're trying to send.

Vic (mobile)
I know I haven't participated much lately but I agree with this. don't know if we want a bunch of challenges the we show up as another ALSO RAN, because our high value crunchers didn't show up for a challenge. I know the the monthly runs that are showing up all the time will not be something that I'm interested in.