Ha~ I am 24 and this year is also my year~~
Bitcoin, hmm, seems like this is a quite new project for me. Just know little things about Bitcoin projects(I know 1-2 projects which provided GPU WUs with a lot of credits maybe 2-3 years ago, I think it called Distregon or something). I understand the feeling of making a LOT of credits with powerful GPU (Yes! the first time that I joined BOINC challenge was a GPU challenge running DNETC@home and I was at around 200 places with a Radeon 5850) and most of my credits were gained by my GPUs

Congratulations to SETI.USA for your Silver medal in last year's Pentathlon! SETI.USA is a great team as usual! Well, Team China got her first little silver medal in one of five projects and hope we can do better this year