Quote Originally Posted by dcushing View Post
OK, ya'll are the experts... I need a new water cooler for the Monarch Bitminer, its dripping water 1 drip over a couple of days....
I was looking at new egg and these.... which is the best one?

Quote Originally Posted by Mumps View Post
Personally I'm in the same boat with a Monarch and a failed water-cooling loop. But seeing as the Monarch cost me $50, but a replacement water loop would be $150, I'm gonna just write off the Monarch.

Keep in mind, this is a closed loop, dual-pump package, so none of those on the first page of your search are even close to what you would need. I'll post what I found last month when I can get by the computer it's on. The units on the Monarchs are actually a common manufacturer that just OEM'd them for them.
Quote Originally Posted by Mumps View Post
OK, so I was looking at my Monarch last month and saw the part number that is printed on my radiator block leads to this on NewEgg:

which states:
Closest commercial model: Corsair H80i, also from CoolIT Systems

So, looking for something in the H80i realm, only with a dual pump package on the loop. Because the pair I have here don't have any visible port or reservoir, I don't think they're intended to have any parts of the loop opened or replaced. So you would probably be looking at the parts for a multi point cooling solution like others have posted here for CPU plus GPU kinds of configurations.
Firstly, @dcushing: Where is the leak? In one of the hoses? If so, I would try Googling "Corsair H80 tubing repair" as there are probably some decent repair hacks floating around the Net. Note that if too much water drains out then your water cooler, the pump's ceramic bearing will fail. And you only need to starve it of water for a few moments for that to happen. I've learned that the hard way Best advice, shut it down asap!

Second, @Mumps: Does the unit power up? If so, how long does it run before it starts throwing errors or shuts down?

Also note that I have never had a Corsair AIO last more then 2 years running 24/7. (I've owned a H60, H80 and a H100) CoolIT's products just aren't made to last......