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Thread: Cosmology: Planck contest standings

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
    Join Date
    October 24th, 2010

    Cosmology: Planck contest standings

    The in-progress standings of the Planck contest can now be seen here! (note: those standings include only Planck jobs, the Pentathlon counts any Cosmology@Home job).

    Additionally, validation had been lagging a bit, but that is now fixed. It should take about 48 hours for all the jobs that had piled up waiting on validation to finish and for credit to be granted. There is also a shortage of work for the camb_boinc2docker and planck_param_sims applications, which I'm currently working on now and I expect to be fixed by tonight. Apologies for this!


  2. #2
    Platinum Member
    John P. Myers's Avatar
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    January 13th, 2011
    Jackson, TN

    Re: Cosmology: Planck contest standings

    Bryan, Mumps and Cruncher Pete are the first 3 and SETI.USA is the #1 team. Keep up those ranks and you'll all get mentioned in the Cosmology reasearch paper! Congrats guys and congrats team

  3. #3
    Past Admin
    Cruncher Pete's Avatar
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    July 18th, 2013
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    Re: Cosmology: Planck contest standings

    Thanks John. This is rather strange, since I have to baby sit my Boxes every day or they just go offline, In fact I have three machines that do not like VM at all. I hope to fix it today.

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