Day 2 - 06 May 2018

On the second day, after the gun smoke has cleared, the individual power of each team is coming to the fore. It is now apparent which tempo the teams feel they can maintain over the distance, ensuring the heads in their strategy departments are smouldering.

SUSA’s margin grows and grows and grows and grows and grows and P3D must now decide if an attempt at Gold is still worthwhile or better to try and secure #2. However, my dear readers, the marathon is long and arduous and it’s far too early for preliminary decisions. Thus, SG have slowly but steadily crunched their way to #3 and will employ all available means to rough up the green planet.

The same goes for Team China (#5). The Chinese have made up a lot of ground so that OCP should slowly be getting concerned about keeping #4. Behind them, TAAT are holding steady at #6 although under pressure from OCN (#7). The gap behind is quite considerable. AF at #8 might have motivation problems but a glance to the rear should quickly fix that. CNT (#9), RKN (#10) and MK (#11) have decided not to make it easy for the Francophones. Especially Meisterkühler have been running their soles red hot In the last few hours.

As the Marathon will be our steady companion in the next few days, let’s take a quick look at Swimming. There’s not a dry patch to be seen which doesn’t mean that the heat hasn’t been turned up.

Here too, SUSA are ahead of P3D. However, the margin isn’t quite as large as at the Marathon. The little green men need to increase power or face swallowing SUSA’s wastewater. A haze over the water is obscuring the battle for #3. No, it’s not Fog – the fog of doom. The tension has reached boiling point: OCP are valiantly holding on to #3 but Team China (#4), OCN (#5) as well as SG (#6) are following in their wake. Here, no decision has yet been made, hopefully not too much water will evaporate as that would leave them swimming on dry land.

Will RKN (#7) be able to enter the fray? Going by my experience I rather doubt it but in the Pentathlon, nothing is impossible. The Germans are at least able to keep their distance to BOINC@Poland (#8) which the Poles are failing to do with TAAT (#9) and CNT (#10). It’s red alert east of the river Oder.

AF (#11) are not keeping up the pace but are also not put under enough pressure by BOINC.Italy (#12), Chinese Dream (#13), MK (#14) and BOINC@AUSTRALIA (#15). USA at #16 are keeping Crunching@EVGA (#17) at bay whereby there’s hardly any pressure from Ukraine (#18), BOINCstats (#19) and LITOMYSL (#20). The Czechs have got LTT Forums (#21) and Das Kartell (#22) breathing down their neck. It’s not yet clear to what extend SETIKAH (#23) and AMD Users (#24) will be able to muscle in. However, we shouldn’t dismiss that possibility.

There are some noticeable changes in the overall standings. Even though SUSA and P3D are leading the field, there are quite a few skirmishes behind them. OCP are holding on to #3 and with a glance in their rearview mirror can’t miss the angry looking boys and girls from SG who are slowly making up ground.

Team China (#5) have pushed past OCN (#6) and will now try and light the fire under the German eagle’s bottom. Whilst TAAT hold on to #7, RKN (#8) and CNT (#9) are involved in a little skirmish in which AF (also at #9) decided to meddle. MK were able to improve their rank to #11 and have thereby overtaken Chinese Dream (#12) and BOINC.Italy (#13) and at the same time kept USA (#14) at a distance.

Crunching@EVGA (#15) are continuing to buzz about in Neverland and able to enjoy the show in front and behind. BOINC@AUSTRALIA (#16) are currently engaged in a duel with BOINC@Poland (#17), one point difference is hardly anything at all. Are Ukraine (#18) willing and able to step in? At the moment there doesn’t appear to be much danger to the rear as AMD Users (#19) and the duo of Das Kartell and BOINCstats at #20, LITOMYSL (#22) and UK BOINC Team (#23) are already trailing quite a bit behind.

BOINC@MIXI (#24) are trying to keep LTT Forums (#25) off their back and will be keeping a watchful eye out for 2ch (#26). At the end of the field, BOINC@Pfalz (#27), Crystal Dream (also at #27), USArmy (#28) and BOINC Confederation (#29) have all managed to collect some points.

And where do we go from here? Questions over questions:
- At Swimming, will Team China take over #3?
- At the Marathon, can P3D put SUSA under pressure?
- And when will AF put aside their cheese and wine and start crunching?

It remains exciting at the BOINC Pentathlon.


[Based on stats at 16:00 UTC]