You have one week from today to allow Einstein to export your stats to external stat sites if you so desire.

They have defaulted your option to do not export.
You have to sign on in the next week to change it to "Yes" if you want your stats to continue to be exported.

See below.

I want to remind people that in one week, our stats exports will change and honor the option Do you consent to exporting your data to BOINC statistics aggregation Web sites?
If you want to have your stats exported, and have not changed this setting, to YES, please do so in Account -> Preferences -> Privacy. Also, I have been informed that at the BOINCstats Web site, your user history may be lost if you do not consent to the stats exports before we update our systems on 2018 Dec 17th. If this is something you care about (BOINCstats history), please change your privacy preferences.

Einstein@Home Project