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Thread: Acoustic Opti Apps

  1. #1
    Bryan's Avatar
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    Acoustic Opti Apps

    As of 1/13 Acoustics has optimized apps for both Windows and Linux. These run up to 2X faster than the originals. The 1st post in the thread HERE has the GitHub link and installation instructions.

  2. #2
    Ron Shurtz's Avatar
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    Re: Acoustic Opti Apps

    Thanks Bryan.
    I got my 3 machines upgraded with versions of the optimized application.
    I used Speccy to check my CPU compatibility.

    It looks like the best I can do is 2 machines running the AVX version and one running the SSE4.1 version.

    I'm going to give the challenge a try if I remember to it by the time it starts.

  3. #3
    Team Member Egilman's Avatar
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    Re: Acoustic Opti Apps

    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
    As of 1/13 Acoustics has optimized apps for both Windows and Linux. These run up to 2X faster than the originals. The 1st post in the thread HERE has the GitHub link and installation instructions.
    Yes THANKS!!!!!

    On my xeons, preliminary AVX2 results are a reduction from 80-85 minutes a wu down to around 50 minutes a wu.... That's one heck of an increase in speed!


  4. #4
    Bryan's Avatar
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    Re: Acoustic Opti Apps

    Windows is about 4.3% faster than Linux but that is much better than the 35% of the stock apps. They greatly improved the efficiency of the Linux app. My 2990WX w/ AVX2 got over 3X reduction in time per WU on Linux. It went from 4400s (WU from a month ago) to 1280s now!
    Last edited by Bryan; 01-26-19 at 08:47 AM.

  5. #5
    Platinum Member
    Mumps's Avatar
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    Re: Acoustic Opti Apps

    So, hopefully the lesser versions work well on the Opteron fleet... Should be finding out today.

  6. #6
    Bryan's Avatar
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    Re: Acoustic Opti Apps

    Quote Originally Posted by Mumps View Post
    So, hopefully the lesser versions work well on the Opteron fleet... Should be finding out today.
    That has to be a major PITA to update all those machines and then Stop/Restart BOINC!

  7. #7
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Acoustic Opti Apps

    Nope. Scripting is your friend. I did it manually for a system or two to create a script, then applied it across the fleet. Give me a day or so and I'll be able to report what the improvement is across the Linux portion of the fleet.

    [ -d projects/www.acousticsathome.ru_boinc/ ] && {
      grep " sse2 " /proc/cpuinfo && file="acoustic_linux64_sse2_v10"
      grep " sse4_1 " /proc/cpuinfo && file="acoustic_linux64_sse41_v10"
      grep " avx " /proc/cpuinfo && file="acoustic_linux64_avx_v10"
      grep " avx2 " /proc/cpuinfo && file="acoustic_linux64_avx2_v10"
      gunzip ${file}.tgz
      rm acoustic_*.tgz
      tail -45 job_log_www.acousticsathome.ru_boinc.txt >acoustics.opti.txt
      cd projects/www.acousticsathome.ru_boinc/
      sudo service boinc-client stop
      tar xvf ~/BOINC/${file}.tar
      sudo service boinc-client start
      echo "Installed ${file}"

  8. #8
    Bryan's Avatar
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    Re: Acoustic Opti Apps

    So you check cpuinfo for each instruction set and save the highest as your file name and then unzip it. Cool! That would simplify things quite a bit

  9. #9
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Acoustic Opti Apps

    Yup. Sloppy, but very quick to throw together. I like being simple where I can.

    Now I just need to wait for at least 10 WU's to finish per host and the WU time average of my snapshot of the last 50 completed WU times can be compared to the most recent 10 completions in the future. So far, some of the systems show really marked improvements, but there's also some that are looking worse. I'm hoping that's a result of restarting the partially run WU's using the new app, so I need to wait a bit longer before making much judgement. If it actually turns out the AMD SSE2 version is slower than stock, that's gonna suck.

  10. #10
    Bryan's Avatar
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    Re: Acoustic Opti Apps

    @mumps - so how do write the code for: If the planets don't align properly and the moon isn't full then revert to previous version?

    If what they said in the original post is accurate then even the SSE2 should blow away the stock apps. I sure hope so!

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