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Thread: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

  1. #21

    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Quote Originally Posted by dan View Post
    Just reading the Aqua thread. Seems boinc is pushing a standard credit on people. My thought is that it's time for Boinc to be replaced.

    Why does that have to be your answer to everything? If this is the same Dan I'm thinking of your habits never change, after you break up Boinc what's next, you going after ManBearPig?

  2. #22
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Quote Originally Posted by Clank [MM] View Post
    Why does that have to be your answer to everything? If this is the same Dan I'm thinking of your habits never change, after you break up Boinc what's next, you going after ManBearPig?
    Have no idea who you are? What's your problem? Just joined hear a couple months and am getting tired of little pricks like you!

  3. #23
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Quote Originally Posted by dan View Post
    Have no idea who you are? What's your problem? Just joined hear a couple months and am getting tired of little pricks like you!
    Your short time here is why you don't know who he is. Have some respect for veterans (of the team) and get to know people before firing back. Please, especially, stay cordial in public forums such as at Aqua because you are an ambassador of the team and we're trying to attract people to the team. We want you here, but please be civil. Not looking down on you because I find myself venting, too, sometimes.

    Let's work it out and enjoy crunching as a team.
    6r39 7r199

  4. #24
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed


    I agree with Clank. It got pretty old, pretty quick, seeing you harping on about "BOINC must die."

    Sorry to see you are so angry about things, and have decided to leave the team.

  5. #25
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Quote Originally Posted by Mumps View Post
    Sorry to see you are so angry about things, and have decided to leave the team.
    Hope he didn't think I was giving him an ultimatum. I just figured if things blew up he would eventually get ticked off and leave anyways. I think he did the right thing by just walking away before it got to that. On the other hand, he could have chilled out and stuck around. Personal attacks are a no-no.

    I'm in a good mood today. I don't know why.
    6r39 7r199

  6. #26
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Man, I leave for a weekend and the place blows up...what's happening? Is this an AQUA related thing or do we need some different thread going to solve any issues?

  7. #27
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Oh Dear...........

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  8. #28
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Quote Originally Posted by DrPop View Post
    Man, I leave for a weekend and the place blows up...what's happening? Is this an AQUA related thing or do we need some different thread going to solve any issues?
    Isolated incident which has run its course. Move along. Nothing to see here.
    6r39 7r199

  9. #29
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    Quote Originally Posted by trigggl View Post
    Isolated incident which has run its course. Move along. Nothing to see here.
    These are not the Droids we're looking for.......

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  10. #30
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    Re: AQUA: Work on the AQUA server has been resumed

    In response to a few that still can't read before firing off a dismissive message. If you read the post, here is this Clank guy who I don't know and he can't know me, firing and insulting and dismissive message. I'm not this Dan guy Clank thinks I am. This is the first and last time I'll join a group, so I can't have built the reputation he thinks I have.

    Most people here are good and have a lot to contribute. Did anyone pay attention to the well thought out message YoDude posted on the same subject? A few of you, don't want to share any ideas or debate any ideas, because what you think is the right way. While it's a few of you there are too many closed minds for me to put up with. Find someone else to be dismissive with.


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