Message 35857 - Posted 23 Nov 2010 16:49:39 UTC
I just published AndroBOINC on Android Market. It is BOINC Manager for Android phones - it can remotely control several BOINC clients, similar as default BOINC Manager. You can find it on Market from phone, just search for "androboinc" or simply "boinc".

=== End of my shameless self-promotion ===

Now some details for those who are interested in:

1. It is only manager, not client. We don't want to exhaust batteries of our phones in 2 hours, so there will be no computation of project applications on the phone. Instead, we want to use our phones to control our super-powerful machines at homes, work, school.

2. This is just initial version, alpha. But it's working, I tested it with clients versions 6.10.17 and 6.10.56 and in earlier phases of development it worked also with 6.2.19, so 6.2.x should be also fine.

3. If you want to use AndroBOINC, your client must be accessible from network - so think about security: use passwords in clients, possibly also non-standard TCP-port numbers.

4. More about security: I swear here, that my application (the package name is sk.boinc.androboinc) is without any malicious stuff. No password-stealer, data-miner, sniffer or whatever-dirty-stuff. It is only BOINC manager, no scam.

5. Publishing of initial version on Android Market is the first step. I plan to publish also source code later (and make updates). So if you are paranoid and do not trust my vow above, you can just wait a few days and after code is available, you can build the application by yourself then.

6. I'm not strong in making cool UI, so I just tried to make user interface similar to the one in default BOINC Manager (advanced view), due to adaptation to small screen there are only first 4 tabs so far (sufficient for basic control). In the list of projects, tasks and transfers there is context menu (for suspend, resume, no new work etc.) - try long touch on item to get the context menu (according my observation, people often overlook this style of control).

7. AndroBOINC is free, it is without advertisement, and shall always be like this.
