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OS X is really just BSD Unix with a custom GUI. The custom GUI part is what makes it a pain. Normally, since Apple uses the Gnu C Compiler (GCC) so generally, if it compiles on Linux and doesn't require graphics or low level system calls, OS X won't require too many changes. This one was a bit of a pain because of the USB devices and OS X uses their own USB API which isn't compatible with the code. Luckliy, someone had already written a generic USB library that interfaces with the OS X one (and likewise in Linux and Windows) and that is actually what the code uses. Would have been nice if that was mentioned somethere in their documentation. So I had to find, download, compile, and then figure out how to link it to a non-native OSX library. After doing that twice, I finally found the correct one. If it wasn't for that, it would have only taken and hour or two.