Lol, you are so on top of things I didn't even know there was a problem.
Lol, you are so on top of things I didn't even know there was a problem.
We should add something to the site somewhere, and probably to our news letter, on where to go for news/status when the web site is down.
- Facebook: Bok and I used our facebook page this last time, which is at:
- Twitter: Also, we have a twitter account, and you can follow and also look for @SETIUSA tweets. BTW, who owns that account? It would have been nice if the owner had tweeted status. This is how I found out about the offer from the Team Musketeers to use their forum during the down time. I tweeted to @SETIUSA, which some of them were following, and they responded back with the offer. Very nice!
- BOINCstats: Finally, I also posted to the BOINCstats "chatter" sub-forum with a quick note about what was going on.
We do have the email server, we could create a small phpBB board there perhaps?
1Tb per month.. probably not