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Thread: WCG up. ARP yes, GPU no

  1. #1
    Silver Member
    MindCrime's Avatar
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    WCG up. ARP yes, GPU no

    Im really distracted with real life things but i noticed i'm getting africa rainfall project work without trying.. so if you turned off wcg because of its problems it looks like she's back up.. but i dont think there's gpu work.

  2. #2
    Al's Avatar
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    Re: WCG up. ARP yes, GPU no

    I have full caches of gpu, so they are available. Again, you have to run a tickler to get them. Downloads are no problem, but WCG is having an upload issue at this point. Also, the wus are 2 to 3 times longer than they were previously.

  3. #3
    Al's Avatar
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    Chapel Hill, NC

    Re: WCG up. ARP yes, GPU no

    So I've gone back to running WCG gpu wus only. As I said above, the wus are 2 to 3 times longer than they were last year. They take anywhere from 17 minutes running 2 at a time on a 1650 Super to 30 minutes running one at a time on a 1030. Newer gpus will do much better and can run 5 or 6 at a time. The wus still require a full core per wu so you may want to keep that in mind.

    Download and upload problems seem to be cured at this point. I do run a tickler over 5 machines (9 gpus total) and have no problem keeping the caches full at 50 wus/gpu. I haven't tried it without the tickler, but they seem to have more work available so you may not need one.

    WU's pay about 1350 to 1450 credits/wu.

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