Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post
It has been a looooooooong time since I crunched S@H, and I need to crunch again for MMs. Things have changed quite a bit, and I need some help.

All the GPU apps on the lunatics site are for ATI (both setiathome_enhanced and astropulse). I assume this is because there is no app for AP on nvidia (at all), and because there is no optimized app for setiathome_enhanced on nvidia.

I am only interested in using my nvidia cards for S@H (for now). I guess the only thing I can do to improve performance, is to run multiple tasks per GPU to improve load/usage. Do I have this right so far?

So, I need help. I need an app info for running multiple CUDA tasks per GPU, on windows machines. It looks like SETI has three different apps for CUDA setiathome_enhanced. I guess I need the app_info for the "6.10 (cuda_fermi)", as these are all 5xx GPUs.
Get the Lunatics installer and let it do it for you.
