After playing around with the groups function and chatting with zombie67 about it, it's seeming that this area can be both more and less useful than we had hoped.

Posts over there don't show up when you click on the "New Posts" link, even if you're a member of the group. As is, people very specifically have to navigate to check out what's posted. The "New Group Messages" link will show you new posts to your groups, but that's it. All in all, if you want everyone to be able to see it, the groups area is not the place to post it.

However, if you want secure areas to discuss things among a few people, the Groups area is the place to do it. You can set up levels of security there to keep people out if you so choose. It would also be helpful for challenges - rather than creating a new area of the boards with some oft-argued over security area, we can create a group moderated by the team captain.

Those are my thoughts. Take them for what they are.