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Thread: Welcome CBGS to the world!

  1. #11
    Past Administrator
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    Re: Welcome CBGS to the world!

    Quote Originally Posted by DrPop View Post
    Guess I'm late to the party, but big time congratulations!!! The fun has just begun...hehe...
    Can we build him a computer case out of Legos? It would be colorful!

    Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2
    The Lego Computer

    Dorian's Lego Computer

    Instructables: Lego Computer Case

    Lego Computer (Tower)

    Lego Folding Farm

    So when do we start building?

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  2. #12
    Silver Member
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    Re: Welcome CBGS to the world!

    Quote Originally Posted by DrPop View Post
    Guess I'm late to the party, but big time congratulations!!! The fun has just begun...hehe...
    Not horribly late, I only posted it yesterday @ 3:57PM CT.

    After 3 days at home we had the first checkup and he is doing ok. Lost a little more weight than what is deemed acceptable so we had to go with some advanced formula to try and get his weight up. He is also a little jaundice so we have him in a bili-blanket (basically a UV pad that goes on his back). He is already looking better after maybe 12hours on the pad so hopefully the next day or two he is back to normal there.

    As for the computer, I think I can start him out on one of the old P4's that I have crunching. Never want to give the children a good computer and then have them break it Plus have to save for any unexpected bills we may run into with him.

    @ F$ - Looked at that lego grid.... Talk about ingenuity using a 1200w PSU to power all 3 rigs.

    - Jason

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