Quote Originally Posted by NJCaNS View Post
Looking for a low scoring CPU project and gaining a valuable SUSA team 5 million Mega Milestone?
Join me on crunching a little EON. It will take months to get there with our current production but with a little help we can reach 5 million total for the team and then move on to better quarry.

Getting this 5 million MM could move us into a tie for 1st in this category and drop LAF to 3rd. At least for awhile.

See the SUSA front page for links to EON.

You know, just the other day I was saying to myself, "The pounding to my RAC from Rosetta, etc. during the Pentathlon wasn't eough pain or punishment and I've been getting way too many credits lately and really should find a low scoring CPU project." OK, I never said that.

You know it is low paying when it takes the whole team to reach 5M. Zombie67 usually gets those all by himself while in his sleep!