Quote Originally Posted by denim View Post
Thank you on the RAM! And thank you for taking the time and effort on that GPU.

GPU wise, would it be a massive drop off if I cheaped out a little and went with something like a 6200 instead of the 430? Or just suck it up and spend a few extra on the 430? Only asking because of the three slots the price difference is three times over. And should I assume a Power Supply upgrade is required to feed 3 stronger GPU's of this nature?

Edit: After reading a lot of the feedback and reviews, the 430 that John suggested sounds like the best one performance wise and is worth the money.

I am not even sure that the Nvidia 6200 can crunch!!

Anyway. Stay with the 430. These guys know their stuff. So if they tell thatīs the best buy for you - it probably is!