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Thread: Greeting from a member of Team China

  1. #41

    Re: Greeting from a member of Team China

    Quote Originally Posted by Nuadormrac View Post
    Looks like registering on your site gives the following error:

    or untranslated:

    Wondering if their having issue with source ISP here or something?

    I don't know why this happens. I will ask administrators of our team. Sorry about that.
    Last edited by Xuyongchen; 09-28-12 at 01:20 AM.

  2. #42

    Re: Greeting from a member of Team China

    Quote Originally Posted by eruda View Post
    I think...
    This happens usually if you get connected via two difference ISPs, the IP used for submitting doesn't match the former IP you are logged on.
    At least for myself, that's the truth...
    Wonder, if using translation on the web page could have it appear that way. Of course, I sort of need to translate. I learned a little Japanese in college (only up through Japanese 201 however), and no Chinese... My father knew a few words, spoaken, but that's far from fluent, especially wrt Chinese characters...

  3. #43

    Re: Greeting from a member of Team China

    Quote Originally Posted by Nuadormrac View Post
    Wonder, if using translation on the web page could have it appear that way. Of course, I sort of need to translate. I learned a little Japanese in college (only up through Japanese 201 however), and no Chinese... My father knew a few words, spoaken, but that's far from fluent, especially wrt Chinese characters...
    tricky google translate
    I can speak a little Japanese too, but atm, some fury is stirred up all over I have to avoid using them
    anyhow, English should be the best way we communicate!

  4. #44

    Re: Greeting from a member of Team China

    Quote Originally Posted by eruda View Post
    tricky google translate
    I can speak a little Japanese too, but atm, some fury is stirred up all over I have to avoid using them
    anyhow, English should be the best way we communicate!
    Yeah, as I understand it, there's a history. Best left at that...

    Though if anyone is bothered at anyone having learned any Japanese, I had also studied Tai Chi when I lived in New Mexico. My teachers were Charley DeFelipo and Virginia Heutig who study under someone who accepted them, as being their sifu by the name of Chung Tin (though that's more in Hong Kong). Charley also studies, though under another teacher, which ironically was one of Chung Tin's Tai Chi brothers, Liu Ho Pa Fa, which he had shown us a little of... They travel there once a year, well Charley has for 30+ years). Chung Tin was a senior student under Tung Ying Cheh.

    Only thing, 2008 my mother had several strokes, and the ecconomy being what it had been, there were no jobs there, so I ended up having to move. When she was in the hospital, I moved back east far more quickly then planned, wrt finding a job.

    The bad news, prior to all this happening, I had learned up through the third section (well with the provisio that a lot of the nuances obviosuly can take more then 4-6 years to learn), and had started learning the sword form. I sort of lucked, tbh, in having found good teachers, from a lets just say known lineage. I'll have to find some others, which isn't necessarily so easy, and as no one from the Tung family tradition lives in my current area, it means going on to learn the family fighting form is sort of out...

    Oh well, it is what it is, and my mother was really bad up then, as was the US economy. Her blood pressure had hit 257, which is where she then got a stroke, and needed medical attention then and there. The whole issue with Lehman Brothers, and economic meltdown, is sort of known history by now...
    Last edited by Nuadormrac; 09-28-12 at 08:26 AM.

  5. #45
    Diamond Member
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    Re: Greeting from a member of Team China

    Welcome to all that are helping The Musketeers. Thank you very much for your help.

    Friends are like diamonds and diamonds are forever

  6. #46

    Re: Greeting from a member of Team China

    Quote Originally Posted by Nuadormrac View Post
    Yeah, as I understand it, there's a history. Best left at that...

    Though if anyone is bothered at anyone having learned any Japanese, I had also studied Tai Chi when I lived in New Mexico. My teachers were Charley DeFelipo and Virginia Heutig who study under someone who accepted them, as being their sifu by the name of Chung Tin (though that's more in Hong Kong). Charley also studies, though under another teacher, which ironically was one of Chung Tin's Tai Chi brothers, Liu Ho Pa Fa, which he had shown us a little of... They travel there once a year, well Charley has for 30+ years). Chung Tin was a senior student under Tung Ying Cheh.

    Only thing, 2008 my mother had several strokes, and the ecconomy being what it had been, there were no jobs there, so I ended up having to move. When she was in the hospital, I moved back east far more quickly then planned, wrt finding a job.

    The bad news, prior to all this happening, I had learned up through the third section (well with the provisio that a lot of the nuances obviosuly can take more then 4-6 years to learn), and had started learning the sword form. I sort of lucked, tbh, in having found good teachers, from a lets just say known lineage. I'll have to find some others, which isn't necessarily so easy, and as no one from the Tung family tradition lives in my current area, it means going on to learn the family fighting form is sort of out...

    Oh well, it is what it is, and my mother was really bad up then, as was the US economy. Her blood pressure had hit 257, which is where she then got a stroke, and needed medical attention then and there. The whole issue with Lehman Brothers, and economic meltdown, is sort of known history by now...
    I am sorry to hear this sad story... but to tell the truth, most of the chinese traditions have been neglected and forgotten by most of the morden chinese citizens...Such as Tai Chi, Kong Fu, Handwriting(or calligraphy?) matter which, only one out of thousands, I guess, may be good at these. People here are becoming more and more busy, and they are caring more about the money. Thus they have no time and no heart for the good traditions that they should have been treasuring. So you are very lucky to have learned Tai Chi. I guess maybe someday you may come to China and teach us Tai Chi

    By the way, hope that everything goes well~

  7. #47

    Re: Greeting from a member of Team China

    Quote Originally Posted by Nuadormrac View Post
    Wonder, if using translation on the web page could have it appear that way. Of course, I sort of need to translate. I learned a little Japanese in college (only up through Japanese 201 however), and no Chinese... My father knew a few words, spoaken, but that's far from fluent, especially wrt Chinese characters...
    The administrator of our forum said that this situation was strange since we did not have any limitation. And he said another person from here had successfully registered. He suggestion is: Maybe you can refresh your cookies or change another browser Hope this will be helpful.

  8. #48

    Re: Greeting from a member of Team China

    Quote Originally Posted by eruda View Post
    I am sorry to hear this sad story... but to tell the truth, most of the chinese traditions have been neglected and forgotten by most of the morden chinese citizens...Such as Tai Chi, Kong Fu, Handwriting(or calligraphy?) matter which, only one out of thousands, I guess, may be good at these. People here are becoming more and more busy, and they are caring more about the money. Thus they have no time and no heart for the good traditions that they should have been treasuring. So you are very lucky to have learned Tai Chi. I guess maybe someday you may come to China and teach us Tai Chi

    By the way, hope that everything goes well~
    Yeah, actually I'd have some interst in going and meeting up with their sifu one day, not necessarily for instruction in the specific, but more to chat... I know that in his latter years, the last thing he'd want is someone hitting him up for a lesson or something, especially where he already has his lineage holders, some of which, it really is his sincerest hope, and expectation; well when they were talking Chung Tin was like "eh, you've only been practing for 30 some years, I have for over 60 years. I expect that one day, you should become better then me"; but in a way that suggested he'd be disappointed if he hadn't eventually. I have my suspiscions, but as I never saw the individual face to face, I've only got second hand accounts to go on. But my gut suggests that he might be a master if you will, in the true sense of the word; not that I'd just come out and say that. But it could well be interresting, just to meet up with him... He's obviously very good at the martial arts, and my teachers honestly suspect he had finally surpassed Tung Ying Cheh in the end, but my intuition suggests there might be more to it, though I'd rather not be all that specific.

    But who am I kidding, he's in his 90s, and I had the misfortune of graduating from one degree, and yet working on another (I wasn't able to continue then due to family circumstances, and the economy, at a time I was a full time student), and then having to enter the labor market at preceisely the time the US economy tanked, big time... I can't afford a trip overseas at this time, and we all know the nature of things, when one's lifespan is already well beyond the statistical average. It's the way of the world....

    As to people though, here, there, or wherever, they do have to find their own path in life, and it's best when they have the opportunity to pursue it, and to learn from it, and to evolve if you will. The freedom to do so isn't without import, so I wouldn't think ill of one for doing just that. If there are things to be learned, life does have a way to get people's attention at times; and believe me, it has tended to. I think many have encountered that, where it's almost as if the universe is giving htem a bit of a wake up call, and in a way they can't ignore, because it isn't someone, the words of another, or what have you. It's life itself, and it leaves one with a bit of soul searching... One can never quite escape themself

  9. #49

    Re: Greeting from a member of Team China

    Quote Originally Posted by Xuyongchen View Post
    The administrator of our forum said that this situation was strange since we did not have any limitation. And he said another person from here had successfully registered. He suggestion is: Maybe you can refresh your cookies or change another browser Hope this will be helpful.
    OK, I'll try again... I tried in Firefox, and it just sat there and didn't seem to load anything, so I tried in IE and got that. Thanks for looking into it.

  10. #50

    Re: Greeting from a member of Team China

    OK, I think an account is created, but it seems that whenever I go to translate, it refreshes to a default page without me logged in or something, as upon logging in I get to a non-translated page. I'm guessing I need a better translator or something, which can work seemlessly, and translate every page automatically, while maintaining whatever browser session I'm in.

    I tried in Firefox also but it just hangs on "transfering data" but never seems to get, IE 9 (well at least the win64 variant of it) shows the above...

    Edit: OK, it looks like if I do that from the main page, and translate while logged in, I get a page without me logged in; but if I click one of the links and translate from there, I do then see the page I'm on. Not sure how to explain that one, but should be possible to get around, will just have to point and click a bit blindly to find my way to this or that section, then carry on from there...

    Further edit: I'm running into

    中国分布式计算论坛 提示信息




    if I try to post a hello message or what have you. I was able to get on translation

    The Distributed Computing Forum tips information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - You do not have permission to make your current operation, the reasons are as follows: I am sorry, you are not authorized to release blocks in the post, please click here to view the post has the right to the User Group: View your current user group permissions
    Best I could get following the links and translating what would translate without sending me back to a login page as seen above, is that I'm registered in the visitor's group or something, and hence have no posting permissions? Not sure if there's something I need to do...
    Last edited by Nuadormrac; 09-28-12 at 09:45 PM.

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