Yeah there's always something newer on the Horizon, trouble is you can wait forever waiting for the next best thing ... The Haswell CPU's kinda interest me even if the Clock Speed's won't be much if any different than the Ivy Bridge CPU's. There's some serious improvements in the on board Graphics, overclocking ability & other areas that double what the Ivy Bridge CPU's are capable of so it could be worth the wait since I've waited this long already. It's not like the Q6600's & Q6700's I have now are the slowest things going, their just not as fast as the Sandybridge & Ivybridge line of CPU's, so waiting isn't going to hurt me ...

Newegg's been having some good Deals on Ram, like 32gb 4x8 Dimm's for $109, some are listed as Quad Kits, correct me if I'm wrong but one could order a Quad Ram Kit & still use it as Dual Ram by splitting the Kit into 2 4x8 Kit's ??? it's the Motherboard that determines how the Ram runs & not the Ram it's self ???