You are a very brilliant individual, and we shouldn't be disagreeing on this one, so I do not think we are looking at this the same way. Let me try a different slant:

Walmart excels at one thing only: low cost imports. We have it from their CEO himself, [those products where there is] "no more value added by expertise in the work force". That's it. Pure and simple, that's what Walmart does. And, they do it well, as you pointed out.
You going to go to Walmart for a high end sound system or a cheap one? How about some nice jewelry for your wife (thnk Tiffany's or better) vs some "cheap stuff" for your daughter (think Walmart).

We could go on with the other companies, but I think you see what I mean. Every organization, whether it is a company or not, has a stated purpose.
Like I said earlier, I'm not dictating or even stating what ours should be - just that we must have one. Even if it's "To have the most fun crunching BOINC projects".

Yes, we could say we want to be #1 overall, and have the most MMs, but neither camp is ever going to see eye to eye. And then there are those who want to crunch a certain project for its real world value, regardless of BOINC credit awarded. It's a philosophic battle. No one is right and no one is wrong -it just is.

Now, we could do exactly what you proposed in a round-about way above: We could have divisions. This is what S.G. does. Seems to work well. We could each pick a division we like, and work within our "department' to be the best of the best in that category. For example, someone like Fire$torm could head the #1 overall division and someone like Maxwell could head the MM division. Each division would have its own set of parameters to work from, goals, etc. As long as everyone is willing to come together for the common good on team-wide challenges, that might be the perfect solution.

Hope that clears things up a little.