Quote Originally Posted by Clank [MM] View Post
MMMMMMMMMMMMM....looks like There are 20 some projects I can get up to 100k. Any you want first, let me know. took 2 days to hit just shy of 4m on Donate. Working Asteriod now with a Collatz chaser.
Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post
You might want to concentrate on projects that are ending soon, or have sub-projects that are ending soon, if you are a badge chaser (WCG, PG, yoyo, etc).

Also, it's always good to stay attached to project with only sporadic, limited work availability. Especially if you have MM goals there.

Some suggestions:

Gerasim (LW)
Sudoku (ES)
volpex (LW)
MindMOdeling (LW)
WCG: Help Cure Cancer (ES...also, the only GPU project at WCG).
The point of this thread is Team Top 10's. That means number of projects that the team is in the top 10 on. We're actually still number 1 in this category, but if you want to help the team reach the top 10 in a project, we're still at 11 with two of those in the top post and there's a couple others that we're close in.

We're at 11 for these:

We're at 12 on these:

Note: Leiden takes a lot of memory.