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Thread: Ubuntu instruction

  1. #31
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    Re: Ubuntu instruction

    Quote Originally Posted by STE\/E View Post
    Okay I'm back in the Linux OS, I found an alternate site for the Linux BOINC Client Download. No Dash Home to be found, I know I seen that some where but can't find it again ...

    It looks like BOINC 7.052 is installed in the Home poorboy Directory but I'm getting this when trying to start the Manager:

    poorboy@PBOYZTOY18L:~$ sudo
    usage: sudo [-D level] -h | -K | -k | -V
    usage: sudo -v [-AknS] [-D level] [-g groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-u user
    usage: sudo -l[l] [-AknS] [-D level] [-g groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-U user
    name] [-u user name|#uid] [-g groupname|#gid] [command]
    usage: sudo [-AbEHknPS] [-r role] [-t type] [-C fd] [-D level] [-g
    groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-u user name|#uid] [-g groupname|#gid]
    [VAR=value] [-i|-s] [<command>]
    usage: sudo -e [-AknS] [-r role] [-t type] [-C fd] [-D level] [-g
    groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-u user name|#uid] file ...
    poorboy@PBOYZTOY18L:~$ bash
    use /home/poorboy/BOINC/run_manager to start BOINC
    poorboy@PBOYZTOY18L:~$ BOINC/run_manager
    ./boincmgr: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    poorboy@PBOYZTOY18L:~$ /home/poorboy/BOINC/run_manager
    ./boincmgr: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    poorboy@PBOYZTOY18L:~$ sudo /home/poorboy/BOINC/run_manager
    [sudo] password for poorboy:
    ./boincmgr: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    looks like libwxgtk2.8-0 is not on your system or not in your library path. So you can try installing it.

    sudo apt-get install libwxgtk2.8-0

    Note: you probable need a couple other libraries, but I do not know off the top of my head which ones.
    BOINC Sees it - BOINC DOES it!

  2. #32
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    Re: Ubuntu instruction

    Still get the same crap after installing libwxgtk2.8-0:

    poorboy@PBOYZTOY18L:~$ BOINC/run_manager
    bash: BOINC/run_manager: No such file or directory
    poorboy@PBOYZTOY18L:~$ sudo /home/poorboy/BOINC/run_manager
    [sudo] password for poorboy:
    sudo: /home/poorboy/BOINC/run_manager: command not found

    Back to windows for the night, enough Linux pain for the day ...

  3. #33
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    Re: Ubuntu instruction

    Quote Originally Posted by STE\/E View Post
    Still get the same crap after installing libwxgtk2.8-0:

    poorboy@PBOYZTOY18L:~$ BOINC/run_manager
    bash: BOINC/run_manager: No such file or directory
    poorboy@PBOYZTOY18L:~$ sudo /home/poorboy/BOINC/run_manager
    [sudo] password for poorboy:
    sudo: /home/poorboy/BOINC/run_manager: command not found

    Back to windows for the night, enough Linux pain for the day ...
    1) Assuming BOINC is in your home directory, the command is "~/BOINC/run_manager &". If BOINC is on your desktop, then the command is "~/Desktop/BOINC/run_manager&".

    2) Here is the list of packages I install and remove with every new ubuntu 64 bit installation. You can just copy/paste the line, and it will install them all at once.

    sudo apt-get install openssh-server+ gdebi+ libwxgtk2.8-0+ libXss1+ freeglut3+ gnome-applets+ cpufrequtils+ ia32-libs+

    That includes everything you need to get BOINC to run, as well as the additional 32 bit libraries needed for the 32 bit apps.
    Last edited by zombie67; 02-23-13 at 07:26 PM.
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  4. #34
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    Re: Ubuntu instruction

    Okay, new VM. Here is what I've done so far.

    Note: All commands are run from root, ex. root@Sys1:

    mkdir /home/dilbert/BOINC
    cp /home/dilbert/downloads/boinc* /home/dilbert/BOINC
    chmod 750 boinc_7*
    bash boinc*.sh
    mv /home/dilbert/BOINC/BOINC/* /home/dilbert/BOINC
    rmdir /home/dilbert/BOINC/BOINC
    apt-get -y update
    apt-get -y install openssh-server+
    apt-get -y install gdebi+
    apt-get -y install libwxgtk2.8-0+
    apt-get -y install libXss1+
    apt-get -y install freeglut3+

    Note: I did not run cpufrequtils+ as this is a VM and governor does not exist in a VM.

    mv boinc /etc/init.d/
    update-rc.d boinc defaults 90 01
    usermod -G `id -nG | sed 's/ /,/g'`,dilbert
    echo "%ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL"
    read ans
    cd ..

    And the following lines is where I ran into a problem.....

    v64bit=`egrep "flags(.*) lm " /proc/cpuinfo`
    [ -n "$v64bit" ] &&{
    apt-get -y install ia32-libs+
    BOINC/boinc_7*x86_64-pc*; }
    [ -n "$v64bit" ] || BOINC/boinc_7*i686-pc*

    So after coping/pasting all to a single line and then using bash errors I played with spacing between parts....

    So is the following correct? I did not get a bash error but it didn't seem to do anything

    v64bit=`egrep "flags(.*) lm " /proc/cpuinfo`[ -n "$v64bit" ] &&{sudo apt-get -y install ia32-libs+BOINC/boinc_7*x86_64-pc*; }
    Last edited by Fire$torm; 02-23-13 at 09:52 PM.

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  5. #35
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    Re: Ubuntu instruction

    Well I am not mumps but this seems wrong.

    install ia32-libs+BOINC/boinc_7*x86_64-pc*;

    maybe a space between libs+ and BOINC. Should install the lib package and the Boinc package.
    BOINC Sees it - BOINC DOES it!

  6. #36
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    Re: Ubuntu instruction

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire$torm View Post
    And the following lines is where I ran into a problem.....

    v64bit=`egrep "flags(.*) lm " /proc/cpuinfo`
    [ -n "$v64bit" ] &&{
    apt-get -y install ia32-libs+
    BOINC/boinc_7*x86_64-pc*; }
    [ -n "$v64bit" ] || BOINC/boinc_7*i686-pc*

    So after coping/pasting all to a single line and then using bash errors I played with spacing between parts....

    So is the following correct? I did not get a bash error but it didn't seem to do anything

    v64bit=`egrep "flags(.*) lm " /proc/cpuinfo`[ -n "$v64bit" ] &&{sudo apt-get -y install ia32-libs+BOINC/boinc_7*x86_64-pc*; }
    Well, a little bit of explanation. The special "file" /proc/cpuinfo has all the geek speak explaining the capabilities the O/S sees the CPU supports. "lm" is actually short for "Long Mode" and means the O/S sees that the CPU supports 64bit mode. So that means both the CPU and the O/S are 64bit aware, so we need to install the 64bit version of BOINC. We also install the 32bit libraries, considering that many BOINC projects will actually send the 32bit app to run on a 64bit Linux host. So you need the 32bit libraries if they haven't compiled the program to work without them.

    Not really sure what problem you ran in to. But at the very least, if you mash it all into one line, you'll need semi-colons in various places. Let's also eliminate assigning that to a variable...
    [ -n "`egrep 'flags(.*) lm ' /proc/cpuinfo`" ] && { sudo apt-get -y install ia32-libs+; BOINC/boinc_7*x86_64-pc*; }

    Also, to be clear, that line is expecting to find the appropriate BOINC installer in a folder named BOINC within the Current Working Directory. So, if you've simply launched terminal, and are running those commands, it would be in your home directory.

  7. #37
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    Re: Ubuntu instruction

    Quote Originally Posted by kmanley57 View Post
    Well I am not mumps but this seems wrong.

    install ia32-libs+BOINC/boinc_7*x86_64-pc*;

    maybe a space between libs+ and BOINC. Should install the lib package and the Boinc package.
    Good thought, but the BOINC package from the Berkeley dl site isn't a package. And we don't want to install the (extremely antiquated) package from the repository. It's a self-extracting sh file and you simply want to execute it. In the script Fire$torm is working from, that sh script is chmod'ed to be executable, and then it's run. But run from the home directory so it gets extracted into the BOINC subfolder.

  8. #38
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    Re: Ubuntu instruction

    Quote Originally Posted by Mumps View Post
    Well, a little bit of explanation. The special "file" /proc/cpuinfo has all the geek speak explaining the capabilities the O/S sees the CPU supports. "lm" is actually short for "Long Mode" and means the O/S sees that the CPU supports 64bit mode. So that means both the CPU and the O/S are 64bit aware, so we need to install the 64bit version of BOINC. We also install the 32bit libraries, considering that many BOINC projects will actually send the 32bit app to run on a 64bit Linux host. So you need the 32bit libraries if they haven't compiled the program to work without them.

    Not really sure what problem you ran in to. But at the very least, if you mash it all into one line, you'll need semi-colons in various places. Let's also eliminate assigning that to a variable...
    [ -n "`egrep 'flags(.*) lm ' /proc/cpuinfo`" ] && { sudo apt-get -y install ia32-libs+; BOINC/boinc_7*x86_64-pc*; }

    Also, to be clear, that line is expecting to find the appropriate BOINC installer in a folder named BOINC within the Current Working Directory. So, if you've simply launched terminal, and are running those commands, it would be in your home directory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mumps View Post
    Good thought, but the BOINC package from the Berkeley dl site isn't a package. And we don't want to install the (extremely antiquated) package from the repository. It's a self-extracting sh file and you simply want to execute it. In the script Fire$torm is working from, that sh script is chmod'ed to be executable, and then it's run. But run from the home directory so it gets extracted into the BOINC subfolder.
    1st, just to be clear, my bash prompt looks like this root@Betty_Boop:/home/dilbert#

    Okay my mistake. I was executing bash commands from /home/dilbert/BOINC. That is why I had to use the mv command with wildcard and move everything from .../BOINC/BOINC to .../BOINC.

    I had to run the BOINC .sh file early because you have the command mv boinc /etc/init.d/ before you get to the command with the v64bit... stuff.

    As for your revised command string...

    root@Betty_Boop:/home/dilbert#[ -n "`egrep 'flags(.*) lm ' /proc/cpuinfo`" ] && { sudo apt-get -y install ia32-libs+; BOINC/boinc_7*x86_64-pc*; }

    it worked but not until I added "deb lucid-backports main restricted universe multiverse" to /etc/apt/sources.list.
    So all kinds of files were downloaded and updated. Then after it was all over it printed the instruction "use /home/dilbert/BOINC/run_manager to start BOINC"

    Of course I ignore that and in terminal try /etc/init.d/boinc start but that gave me the following error
    /etc/init.d/boinc: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Then I try the command I was instructed to use and got the following error
    ./boincmgr: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Should I start over and reinstall Ubuntu so I have a clean slate to try again?

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  9. #39
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    Re: Ubuntu instruction

    Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post
    1) Assuming BOINC is in your home directory, the command is "~/BOINC/run_manager &". If BOINC is on your desktop, then the command is "~/Desktop/BOINC/run_manager&".

    2) Here is the list of packages I install and remove with every new ubuntu 64 bit installation. You can just copy/paste the line, and it will install them all at once.

    sudo apt-get install openssh-server+ gdebi+ libwxgtk2.8-0+ libXss1+ freeglut3+ gnome-applets+ cpufrequtils+ ia32-libs+

    That includes everything you need to get BOINC to run, as well as the additional 32 bit libraries needed for the 32 bit apps.
    Thanks Z, I got BOINC to run with the ~/BOINC/run_manager command after moving the BOINC Folder out of the folder it was in & putting it directly in the Home Directory.

    Anywho got some of the LINUX Only Projects & App's running now, is there any way to Minimize the BOINC Window without having to restart BOINC each time ??? Seems like if I minimize the BOINC Window it stops BOINC & I have to restart BOINC again ...

  10. #40
    Diamond Member
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    Re: Ubuntu instruction

    Quote Originally Posted by STE\/E View Post
    [...]is there any way to Minimize the BOINC Window without having to restart BOINC each time ??? Seems like if I minimize the BOINC Window it stops BOINC & I have to restart BOINC again ...
    The buttons on the linux windows and the msft windows are not the same. With ubuntu, it is the down arrow button to minimize.
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