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Yeah, I'm not asking about the FB account owner. I'm asking about the twitter account owner. And I am not saying that anyone should join any of these other social....things. What I am saying, is that when *this* forum goes down (for whatever reason), how are we supposed to communicate? Worst case scenario, what if this forum never comes back up? Is it the end of the team? We need alternative ways to let the team know what's going on. And twitter, IMO, is better for that than FB. Just follow @SETIUSA. But there are other options. We could pick a project, the modern BOINC forms allow team sub-forums. I would suggest S@H, but they are down far too often. Maybe Einstein? But the POINT is that we need a place to regroup. Let's face it, there is a very small percentage of us team-members that *ever* talk to each other. We need to hold on to that group aggressively.