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Thread: Team Division

  1. #31
    Past Administrator
    Fire$torm's Avatar
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    Re: Team Division

    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    As long as it's the same for each h user in the division and within square brackets it will be picked out.

    I've got all the perl and mysql code done, working just fine. Combined subteam data across projects as well as individual within a project, ranking across all/within team/rac. I can't control what a user does with their name so everything comes in

    Now got to do some frontend php to display it all. Give me a day or two...I'm thinking perhaps giving a mechanism to have at least some kind of description from each subteam if they wish, though it'll likely be a manual effort for now, html+image whatever to display.

    Any ideas?

    Pages for

    1) list of divisions/subteams for each team
    2) drill down to division showing list of each project and their totals
    3) drill down to list of users in the division on each project
    4) drill down from 1) to list of combined data for each user in the division.
    Bok, for me at least, I guess as long as it works similar to the way your individual detail stats pages work it should be fine.

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  2. #32
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Team Division

    So, considering how fractured the "US" is, it's interesting to look at the Country stats rather than the Team stats.

    Wonder how tough it'd be on Bok to do that kind of reporting across teams to let other US teams "join" SETI.USA in stats against LAF where they don't want to give up their own team.

    SETI.USA is about 4% of US Production
    SETI.Germany is about 38% of German Production
    LAF is about 63% of French Production

  3. #33

    Re: Team Division

    nice idea would be nice to see a category called "team stats if all us teams were combined" that would get folks thinking! reuniting us teams is like palestine/israel!

  4. #34
    Advisor - Stateside Division
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    Re: Team Division

    Whilst there is no way to really know the definitive score, this is a good approximation

    mysql> select country,sum(metric1) as score from boinc_combined_team group by country order by score desc limit 0,10;
    | country        | score            |
    | International  | 81142494066.6291 |
    | UNITED STATES  | 38337386255.0193 |
    | GERMANY        | 33088032554.6242 |
    | Japan          | 17243571958.4216 |
    | United Kingdom | 11339161917.1749 |
    | Poland         | 11168015647.4306 |
    | None           | 8156009403.43563 |
    | Czech Republic | 8116593170.69896 |
    |                | 7826296135.76503 |
    | Russia         | 6767011906.42419 |
    10 rows in set (0.23 sec)
    L'Alliance Francophone are International as are quite a few of the top teams.

  5. #35
    Advisor - Stateside Division
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    Re: Team Division

    If you want to start thinking of some bbcode including an image for each division I have the mechanism to store it in the DB much like the team description you can set at each project.

    Quick and dirty page based on the team page, some parts still need to be removed. I added a very basic image.


    This is a page showing the combined subteam data along with it's data for each project.

    The code for the top is as follows

    Testing BlackOps<br><br>&lt;a title="SETI.USA BlackOps" href="">&lt;img title="SETI.USA BlackOps" src="/images/blackops.png" alt="BlackOps">&lt;/a>

    I'm happy to store the images locally.

    Another quickly written page to display each subteam for a team.

    Note that stats5 is liable to break at anytime as it's our testbed for new code...

  6. #36
    Past Administrator
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    Re: Team Division

    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    If you want to start thinking of some bbcode including an image for each division I have the mechanism to store it in the DB much like the team description you can set at each project.

    Quick and dirty page based on the team page, some parts still need to be removed. I added a very basic image.


    This is a page showing the combined subteam data along with it's data for each project.

    The code for the top is as follows

    Testing BlackOps<br><br>&lt;a title="SETI.USA BlackOps" href="">&lt;img title="SETI.USA BlackOps" src="/images/blackops.png" alt="BlackOps">&lt;/a>

    I'm happy to store the images locally.

    Another quickly written page to display each subteam for a team.

    Note that stats5 is liable to break at anytime as it's our testbed for new code...
    Now that is really cool sh... err stuff there Bok. Now the subteams just need to create Graphics so thanks for the offer and the work.

    Edit: What are your preferred min & max limits for subteam graphics and do you have a preference for width/height ratio?

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  7. #37
    Advisor - Stateside Division
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    Re: Team Division

    ah, just nothing crazy, don't mind otherwise. I can always resize them if needed.

  8. #38
    STMahlberg's Avatar
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    Re: Team Division

    Very nice Bok.
    "My god! Do we really suck, or is this guy really that good?" - Mr Hertz - Shoot 'Em Up

  9. #39
    Past Administrator
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    Re: Team Division

    BOK, did anyone tell you that you are awesome lately?

    Yes, this is the ticket to getting other teams to join in. SETI.USA will be one big HUB off of which all USA teams can become sub-divisions and maintain their own identity. Uniting is the only way forward against teams like SIC., S.G. and LAF.

    Please consider the SETI.USA part of our names were for advertising the brand. Do we want to drop that? Here's some options, what do you all prefer?...

    DrPop [BlackOps]

    DrPop.SETI.USA [BlackOps]

    DrPop [BlackOps] SETI.USA

    DrPOOP & Mr. Hankey for SETI.USA (just had to for Joker and NJCans!)

  10. #40
    STMahlberg's Avatar
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    Re: Team Division

    Quote Originally Posted by DrPop View Post
    BOK, did anyone tell you that you are awesome lately?

    Yes, this is the ticket to getting other teams to join in. SETI.USA will be one big HUB off of which all USA teams can become sub-divisions and maintain their own identity. Uniting is the only way forward against teams like SIC., S.G. and LAF.

    Please consider the SETI.USA part of our names were for advertising the brand. Do we want to drop that? Here's some options, what do you all prefer?...

    DrPop [BlackOps]

    DrPop.SETI.USA [BlackOps]

    DrPop [BlackOps] SETI.USA

    DrPOOP & Mr. Hankey for SETI.USA (just had to for Joker and NJCans!)
    Personally I like the NAME.TEAM [DIVISION]
    "My god! Do we really suck, or is this guy really that good?" - Mr Hertz - Shoot 'Em Up

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