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Thread: POEM: POEM++ OpenCL Announcement

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
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    POEM: POEM++ OpenCL Announcement

    The POEM++ OpenCL project 'gpucrystal' is going to be finalized soon. In other words no more work units will be created, and as soon as the circulating jobs are finished, the queue will run dry. We are currently working on a follow-up project, which will start in January 2014, accompanied by a new POEM release. Thank you all for contributing your GPU power to this project. Please use this POEM OpenCL rest period to support other great projects in the BOINC network. I'm looking forward to see your GPU back at POEM next year. POEM++ OpenCL Ankündigung Das POEM++ OpenCL Projekt 'gpucrystal' wird demnächst abgeschlossen. Das bedeutet keine weiteren Workunits werden erstellt, und sobald die Umlaufenden berechnet wurden, wird die Aufgabenliste leer laufen. Wir arbeiten derzeit an einem Folgeprojekt, das im Januar 2014 zusammen mit einer neuen POEM Version herausgebracht wird. Vielen Dank für die GPU Rechenleistung die ihr alle diesem Projekt beigesteuert habt. Bitte nutzt die Pause von POEM OpenCL um andere großartige BOINC Projekte zu unterstützen. Ich freue mich darauf eure GPU nächstes Jahr wieder bei POEM zu sehen.


  2. #2
    Past Administrator
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    Re: POEM: POEM++ OpenCL Announcement

    Oh this news will not make Mad Matt happy....

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  3. #3
    Diamond Member
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    Re: POEM: POEM++ OpenCL Announcement

    oh sure. I was only a week away from moving back to POEM. Ah well, I will find other projects to work on.
    "Don't confront me with my failures, I had not forgotten them" - Jackson Browne

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  4. #4
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    Re: POEM: POEM++ OpenCL Announcement

    I connected to it today to see if anything would come in, nothing yet, but they did say January, so we shall see

  5. #5
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    Re: POEM: POEM++ OpenCL Announcement

    I wonder whether they will continue to ration the GPU WUs when they release the new app. You really can't dedicate a GPU to the project when they won't send enough work to keep it busy all day.
    Spring 2008 Race: (1st Place)

  6. #6
    Gold Member
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    Re: POEM: POEM++ OpenCL Announcement

    From POEM forum today -
    * Status Update *

    Bad news first: The announced MOF simulation takes more time than expected.
    We are currently working on a backup GPU project, which now seems to be more readily available.

    The Test Server is up and running. Our IT Department is now configuring the Firewall for external access. I'll get the input files for our simulation next week, and will create POEM jobs as soon as possible. The URL will be announced when work units are prepared, because it only serves the dummy BOINC example_app at the moment.

    If the jobs run fine on the test server, we will set them up on the live system the first week in February.

    Thanks for your patience.

  7. #7
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    Re: POEM: POEM++ OpenCL Announcement

    Thanks, EmSti.

  8. #8
    Gold Member
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    Re: POEM: POEM++ OpenCL Announcement

    From the poem Forum, new POEM GPU app could be ready this week -

    Posted: 3 Mar 2014, 10:47:53 UTC

    Hi again,

    I've seen several errors with GPU tasks among different platforms.
    My first guess is a suspending problem. I hope this showed up because of the short runtime with only one checkpoint.
    I've just released longer GPU jobs on the Test Server. If you did not have errors until now, it's not necessary to crunch these. If you had failing jobs, please try again with the new work units.

    I'll wait until some of these jobs are finished. If the error doesn't show up again, the new version will go live at the end of this week.
    Best regards

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