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Thread: Ready to start.....

  1. #1

    Ready to start.....

    I know I'm missing something simple, have not hit moo for a while. Running a pair of 770's, got 1 WU and it says ready to start but it just sits there, I'll start digging into it tonight. Anybody have any thoughts on it. Should I just switch to the 7970's? Working on 5 and 6 for my 100m.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member
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    Re: Ready to start.....

    7970s don't work well on Moo. I think the default app is CAL, which doesn't run on 7970s. There is some manual stuff you have to do, to get them to work. Or something like that.

    Also, just a reminder that moo acts like an MT app, but for GPUs. So it will run one task across all the GPUs in your machine.
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  3. #3
    Friend of SETI.USA
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    Re: Ready to start.....

    The MOO Project will run on the 7970's, I got my 250 Million running a couple 7970's. have you reserved 1 Thread or Core for Moo to run ? I can e-Mail you the files I used on my 7970's if you PM me your e-mail address ...

  4. #4
    Al's Avatar
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    Chapel Hill, NC

    Re: Ready to start.....

    I got it to run on the 7970's (one per card) using an app_info. Also, it's the only thing that will run without errors on my 5970, again, one per gpu using an app_info.

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