Quote Originally Posted by DrPop View Post
Ok guys...HELP!

Something is up. Same 5870 card...never had these problems before. I just went to the back room to check the rig and...another DNETC WU was hung - going on 2 hrs and some change. Not sure what is going on.

Do you think it could be these new drivers don't like DNETC? I downloaded the new 10.12 last night that are on AMD's site. Any ideas for me to try?
I set it to Collatz just for the rest of today until we can figure something out...I want to see if it's just DNETC that's a problem or any other projects.
AndrOINC seems to be running smoothly on the x6 CPU.

Uh... oh. I had some major problems after running DNETC yesterday and Max is still having problems. Even though our problems are different then your's, they may be related. Are you having any problems running Collatz? Run a few MW wu's and check the task details. What are the clocks readings in the task info?