Noticed Win10 for the Pi 2 was mentioned, but what wasn't mentioned is that it's free, as long as it's for non-commercial use
Noticed Win10 for the Pi 2 was mentioned, but what wasn't mentioned is that it's free, as long as it's for non-commercial use
We should do a group buy. Would just need someone to install the OS, and then a number of us could have a bunch of mini-crunchers on the cheap.
Be nice to see a CPU benchmark comparison between the new Raspberry Pi 2.0 and the Odroid C1 here:
It would be interesting to compare crunching power and watts used to do the work as well.
Same price - $35.
I think the issue would be compatible BOINC apps. Or do they use the came CPU?
I just bought a Raspberry Pi 3, and it is running ubuntu, crunching SETI for now. It is supposed to be 3x faster then the 1st version. It has 4 threads, and built in wifi and BT. $35
Is there an up to date list somewhere of RP projects? I think the list here is out of date.
I'm running Micro Collatz on 3 of mine and they just crossed 8000 wuprop hours.
Who is still doing BOINC on RPi?
RPi 3's have run:
Distributed Hardware Evolution Project
Goofyxgrid NCI
RakeSearch (neon opti app)
TN-Grid gene@home PC-IM
Universe at Home BHspin v2
Yoyo Cruncher ogr
Yoyo ECM [may need to increase swap file size: sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile ]
Ran these once upon a time, but a RPi application now seems to be gone:
Micro Collatz
Drug Discover Smina for mol2
Last edited by somanyroads; 02-22-19 at 12:49 PM.
+1 I have 4 running.