But, I bet even that doesn't work well. IIRC, fetch_minimal_work will grab 1 WU per core. So he'll still have 24 Atlas WU's onboard. 23 of which will occupy cache. Meaning many hours of work the system won't request from other projects. And potentially, Atlas being enabled will lead to "Not requesting work, project not highest priority."

I was just wishing for a similar option, but as a percentage. "Don't allow projects to consume more than x% of the work hours to cache." So, if I have a Single-Core system, and am configured for a 1 day (86,400 seconds) cache, 25% would mean BOINC would never request more than 21,600 seconds of work from a given project. Or one would hope the devs could see to implementing a better caching plan. Say, a work request would never ask for more than the projects resource shares worth of the total cache duration. As it stands, it seems like the work request looks at the total seconds the cache should be, and requests enough work to reach that target each time it contacts any project for a work request. It should know better than to fill the cache with any single project.

It should also ignore it's own internal concept of "The highest priority project" if I'm highlighting a project and hitting update. When I'm hitting update, if the project isn't NNT or Suspended, I want to download work if there's any available!

This ends my rant much better posted to the Dev mailing list.