Sleep naked, body at a cool temperature increases the production of anti-aging hormone, melatonin. Furthermore, no inconvenience with buttons and seams. If you prefer, take out a sheet or blanket.

Do not look at your phone, Artificial light of television, mobile phone, the tablet and computer functions as a stimulant amending the internal clock. Avoid looking at such displays, especially when you are in the dark.

Hide the alarm clock, There is nothing more counterproductive than to be looking at the minutes pass. Think of the hours cause anxiety, so keep the watch where you will not see while sleeping.

Work out but ... Exercise is great for relieving stress and muscle tension, but preferably out between 16h and 19h. Do not even think about going to the gym in the four hours before its time to go to bed, because the body temperature and adrenaline levels will be very high.

Spread lavender is evidence that the aroma of this plant reduces the heart rate and blood pressure and has a relaxing effect. Pour a few drops on the pad may result.

Type your concerns, Anxiety raises the levels of stress and takes sleep away. Write a list of concerns before go to bed can relieve some pressure.

Breathe deeply the most important in the process of falling asleep is to calm the mind. Breathing exercises can help because not only slow down the heart rate and the nervous system as concentrate the mind on something else. Here is an example that should be repeated three times, exhale through the mouth, close your mouth and inhale through your nose for four seconds. Hold your breath for seven seconds and exhale for eight seconds.

Do not smoke at night, a cigarette before going to bed does not relax. Rather, nicotine increases heart rate and keeps the brain alert.

Even if you think that does not affect, do not drink coffee. Caffeine remains in the body for eight hours. If you are a large consumer of coffee, a spout in the afternoon can no longer prevent you from falling asleep, but disturbs the deep sleep, preventing it from rest.

Forget that alcohol helps sleep, It is true that alcohol can help you fall asleep deeply, the problem is then, when it interrupts the sleep cycle in the late evening. Moreover, the alcohol can cause interruptions in breathing, which may wake you up.

Drink a cup of hot milk, you knew? Great. But you know why it works? Because dairy products are rich in amino acid called tryptophan to induce sleep and contributes to the production of serotonin and melatonin, substances that cause drowsiness.

Eat a banana, is because of the melatonin and tryptophan that the banana becomes also a good sleep aid.

Check the mattress, the mattress Change every eight years is crucial to have good nights sleep without high or bothersome pits. In addition, the mattress should be adapted to each individual. The best is to test a minimum of 15 minutes in the store, experiencing the comfort of the back and stomach down.