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Thread: Wuprop hours rankings

  1. #1
    Advisor - Stateside Division
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    Wuprop hours rankings

    Added project ranking within project/app to the wuprop hours data.

    With this I can add a link to a page showing each app in project rank order (Work in progress).

    I think I will also change this to show the colored stars too rather than the colored text like Sebastian has done at the wuprop site as that's so much better.

    See my my page for examples.

    Didn't realize I was #1 on a few of these !! Of course they are opt-in at wuprop in the preferences so not everyone is displayed..

  2. #2
    Advisor - Stateside Division
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    Re: Wuprop hours rankings

    Added a fairly basic page showing each app in rank order. It's linked from the projrank on your individual wuprop hours page.


  3. #3
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Wuprop hours rankings

    So, for those of us exporting WuProp Hours stats, will our personal page that lists all the apps for us become clickable to get to these Apps pages? And might they get a clickable Team/World rank added similar to the normal points pages?

    EDIT: Ah! Nevermind! I see you have the clickable rank on the stats6 page already.

    Also, I noticed something strange on the apps. I'm not sure how you're calculating the hours, but the example that came to my attention was when zombie67 posted that he finally hit 100 hours on the Pirates app. According to FreeDC, he's still only at about 87 hours, even though WuProp itself does show he's made it over 100. Something weird with the project export data?

    Pirates@Home hello - Hello, BOINC World! 87.38

    Pirates@Home hello - Hello, BOINC World! 104.08

  4. #4
    Al's Avatar
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    Re: Wuprop hours rankings

    I'm seeing the same thing on my page. In particular FiND and MW@home. I just recently took both over 25k hours and neither are showing at that level. MW is still stuck around 18k hours.

  5. #5
    Advisor - Stateside Division
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    Re: Wuprop hours rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by Mumps View Post
    So, for those of us exporting WuProp Hours stats, will our personal page that lists all the apps for us become clickable to get to these Apps pages? And might they get a clickable Team/World rank added similar to the normal points pages?

    EDIT: Ah! Nevermind! I see you have the clickable rank on the stats6 page already.

    Also, I noticed something strange on the apps. I'm not sure how you're calculating the hours, but the example that came to my attention was when zombie67 posted that he finally hit 100 hours on the Pirates app. According to FreeDC, he's still only at about 87 hours, even though WuProp itself does show he's made it over 100. Something weird with the project export data?

    Pirates@Home hello - Hello, BOINC World! 87.38

    Pirates@Home hello - Hello, BOINC World! 104.08
    Yeah, looks like a fault in the xml, might want to let Sebastian know about it. I'll PM him and see what is going on.

    From the xml -

    <application>hello - Hello, BOINC World!</application>
    <application>yello - Simplest BOINC graphics application</application>

    I do intend to add team as well, but it's quite a bit more work. Bit of a dilemma really as I can old really link to the users team AT wuprop as there is no easy link over to their team for each individual project. Even if I could get to the cpid from wuprop for the user then look over in the other project for that same cpid, there is no really guarantee.. Perhaps it's ok to just rank within the team for wuprop though.

    Does that make sense ?

    I do need to have a xref table holding my project names against the ones that wuprop gives out in the xml. I've been thinking about doing this anyway.

    I really wish It wasn't opt-in and he just exported it all, but what can we do to get more people to opt in ?

  6. #6
    Advisor - Stateside Division
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    Re: Wuprop hours rankings

    Sebastien has fixed this....

  7. #7
    Al's Avatar
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    Re: Wuprop hours rankings

    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    Sebastien has fixed this....
    How soon should the numbers correct? Mine haven't yet.

  8. #8
    Advisor - Stateside Division
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    Re: Wuprop hours rankings

    Hmm, maybe he just manually fixed one. Can you link my to your page and I'll let Sebastien know?

  9. #9
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  10. #10
    Advisor - Stateside Division
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    Re: Wuprop hours rankings

    I'm not even seeing your id in the xml at all, nor do I see your hours at wuprop. Are you sure you have the option checked to export ?

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