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Thread: PrimeGrid: 5 sub-projects are shutting down

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
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    PrimeGrid: 5 sub-projects are shutting down

    Get your goals/badges done quick!

    • October 4th: (Previously announced) The CPU portion of PPS-Sieve will be shut off.
    • October 15th: GFN-15 is very small compared to the computing power of today's computers, and it's no longer eligible for the Top 5000 Primes list.
    • November 15th: SGS has succeeded in its goals of finding an SGS pair and a twin pair at n=1290000 and will be shut down. It's possible we may start a new SGS search at a higher n sometime in the future.
    • December 15th: PPSE is exceptionally unlikely to ever find a Fermat divisor, is very small, and is no longer eligible for the Top 500 Primes list.
    • January 15th, or 30 days after CW-Sieve ends, whichever is later: The GPU portion of PPS-Sieve. This sieve has advanced very far ahead of the PPS projects, and the sieving being done today won't be needed for many years. This sieve is being suspended until more work is needed. In the future it is possible that we may sieve a small subset of k's currently being sieved.
    • March 15th, or 60 days after CW-Sieve ends, whichever is later: AP27 has achieved its goal of finding an AP27 and will shut down. It's extremely unlikely that we will find an AP 28 with the current hardware and software.
    More detail on their forum post:
    "Don't confront me with my failures, I had not forgotten them" - Jackson Browne

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  2. #2
    Diamond Member
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    Re: PrimeGrid: 5 sub-projects are shutting down

    "Don't confront me with my failures, I had not forgotten them" - Jackson Browne

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  3. #3
    Diamond Member
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    Re: PrimeGrid: 5 sub-projects are shutting down

    Just to be clear, the update linked above, shows that the order to sub-project retirement has changed. So if you cared about any of those sub-projects for your various goals (credits, hours, badges), then you should look closely at the changes, as the retirement timelines have changed.
    "Don't confront me with my failures, I had not forgotten them" - Jackson Browne

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  4. #4
    Diamond Member
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    Re: PrimeGrid: 5 sub-projects are shutting down

    SGS may end sooner than expected

    Yesterday we enabled fast double checking on SGS. That, combined with an increased interest in running SGS, means SGS is progressing through its sieve file much faster than expected. When we decided to shut down SGS we had about 15 months worth of work remaining. SGS is currently set to shut down on December 15th, but it looks like SGS will run out of work before then. SGS will therefore run until it runs out of work, regardless of the date.
    "Don't confront me with my failures, I had not forgotten them" - Jackson Browne

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  5. #5
    Diamond Member
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    Re: PrimeGrid: 5 sub-projects are shutting down


    PSA: PPS Sieve will be suspended around February 7th. We'll suspend the sieve at an even number, since it will eventually be resumed, so the exact date can't be known.
    In other news, we're going to continue running AP27 until we find an AP28. It will not be shutting down at this time.
    "Don't confront me with my failures, I had not forgotten them" - Jackson Browne

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  6. #6
    Platinum Member
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    Re: PrimeGrid: 5 sub-projects are shutting down

    Good news about AP27. Finding a 28 should take awhile

  7. #7
    Diamond Member
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    Re: PrimeGrid: 5 sub-projects are shutting down

    Quote Originally Posted by John P. Myers View Post
    Good news about AP27. Finding a 28 should take awhile
    Yep! Plenty of time to upgrade your AP badge(s).
    "Don't confront me with my failures, I had not forgotten them" - Jackson Browne

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