Thanks Duke and Shandia,
it seems I am running up against a limit. Maybe there's nothing to do except wait till a couple days before to start bunkering.

work buffer is set to 20 days + an additional 10 but 2 days worth is about all I get, Though I should mention that is a couple hundred wu's.


10134 SETI@home 8/9/2014 2:44:24 AM Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
10135 SETI@home 8/9/2014 2:44:24 AM Reporting 4 completed tasks
10136 SETI@home 8/9/2014 2:44:24 AM Requesting new tasks for CPU and NVIDIA
10137 SETI@home 8/9/2014 2:44:26 AM Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
10138 SETI@home 8/9/2014 2:44:26 AM No tasks sent
10139 SETI@home 8/9/2014 2:44:26 AM No tasks are available for SETI@home Enhanced
10140 SETI@home 8/9/2014 2:44:26 AM No tasks are available for AstroPulse v6
10141 SETI@home 8/9/2014 2:44:26 AM This computer has reached a limit on tasks in progress